Jewish Holidays
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Three Related Eichas
Shabbat Chazon brings a palpable sadness which finds expression in the haftara: “Your Land is desolate, your cities burnt by fire, from your land strangers eat opposite you, and there is desolation, like that which was overturned by strangers” (Yeshaya 1:7). While there is no explicit parallel in the parasha, Chazal saw an implied one. Moshe criticized the people of his time with the famous word eicha (how?), which we also find in the haftara and, of course, on Tisha B’av: Moshe complained: “How can I bear alone your burden, your load, and your quarrels” (Devarim 1:12). Eicha Rabba (1:1) says that this is a sign of three stages of eicha pronouncements, like a noblewoman who had three attendants who saw her at different stages: one when she was in a calm state (corresponding to Moshe), one while in a dangerous state (Yeshaya), and one in utter disgrace (Yirmiya). -
The Laws of Chag Shavuot
There is a unique mitzvah of joy, both spiritual and physical, on Chag Shavuot* When Shavuot falls on Motzei Shabbat as it does this year, Seudah Shilishit should be eaten earlier, and preparations from Shabbat to Chag are prohibited * Showering on Shabbat and Chag * When, and how to properly prepare and light the candles for Chag Shavuot * ‘Birkot HaShachar’ for someone who remained awake all night * Eating and drinking during the night of Shavuot and before the morning prayers * The custom of eating dairy foods as an expression of the sweetness of the Torah, and its ability to turn impure to pure -
Hakdama to Akdamot
During the upcoming holiday of Shavuot, we will not be fulfilling any mitzvot that are specific to this holiday – not mitzvot from the Torah and not even mitzvot derabbanan. (In the time of the Beit Hamikdash, there was a special korban brought, called shtei halechem.)
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